Friday, March 1, 2019

Why do I even have a Blogger blog? I don't even have it listed on my list of my various blogs at my main website ( I only use Blogger occasionally to submit material to I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere.

Blogging on this site is like going back in time to the 90s, when everything was much lower tech.
It's not very fun.

But just for your enjoyment, here is a picture...

Wow, that's awesome. Bye for now...

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Just another I need one more

I probably won't ever write on this blog again, but I was bored on a Thursday afternoon, and I decided to do a Blogger blog. I don't really have anything to write about: I've been doing some Bible study stuff, and reading about the King James Only movement. (I still think those folks are crazy, and every time I read a post by a KJVO online, that belief is confirmed.)

What is a KJVO, you may ask? Well, in case you didn't know, there is a fairly small subculture of people who believe that not only is the King James Version the best Bible, but also that it is the only valid version. As a corollary to that belief, most of them believe that all modern versions (NKJV, NIV, NASB, CEB, HCSB, NRSV, what have you) are corrupt versions of Scripture that are designed to lead believer astray from God's holy Word, as preserved in the words of the King James Bible.

One of the most entertaining proponents of the KJVO heresy (for so it is, in my estimation) is a woman named Gail Riplinger, who wrote a simply awful book called New Age Bible Versions. The book really runs with that "all modern versions are evil" idea, and Riplinger postulates that all the modern versions of the Bible are part of a vast New Age/Satanic conspiracy to lead the people of God away from the true Bible (i.e. the KJV). You can read an amusing little tract based on Riplinger's book here. I have a print copy of the book,


That's what's been on my mind today. And so I leave you with this very entertaining debate between James White (a Christian apologist) and Jack Moorman (a comparitively level headed, but no less wrong, proponent of the KJVO position). It's a hoot. Essentially, Moorman's position boils down to "You know where you stand with a standard." Thanks, Jack. That's very helpful.